Friday, March 14, 2014

Week(s) through Instagram 13

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Until I manage to create outfit post here is one with photos from the Instagram! Hope you will like it!
1. collage - play day with miss Jelena, city stroll: Square Nine Hotel; first (not so yummy) strawberry for this year; weekend at Comunale; favorite products for hands: L'Occitane, Aqua minerals.
2. photo - home made coffee 
3. photo - interior of my favorite spot to chill  - Comunale 
4. photo - with my gorgeous sister Maja at Hello! awards
5. photo - and our handsome photographer Milos Nadazdin
6. collage - lunch at home (sweet potato and carrots); press features; yummy cakes at Provasi; late night dinner with miss Jelena at Dokolica; home made sandwiches; grilled chicken at Smokvica
7. photo - fresh vegetables from the market
8. photo - grape and flowers as an ode to sunshine
9. collage - break at Holesterol with my friends Nina and Basta; outfit details; breakfast with my girl Olja; goofing around at Valentines day with Olja and bow ties; outfit details
10. photo - home made hot chocolate
11. photo - look de jour
12. photo - lovely prints from Arte Limited gallery (still need to figure out which color frame to choose)
13. photo - some of my mom's art works, decoupage jewelry boxes and picture frame (if you want to see more or order something email me for more information)
14. photo - morning in bed with Elle and Pinterest (so glad that you were inspired with this photo and create your owns)
15. photo - make up by lovely girl, young and talented make up artist Tanja Djurisic.


  1. jelena i ti imate najlepse fotografije od nasih devojaka na instagramu! :)

  2. Hoce li biti ovaj outfit gde si sa sestrom? :) Prelepo izgledate, bas me zanima sta si obukla!

    1. Hvala :) nece ga biti, to su jedine slicice! :)
      Imala sam crne salonke, crne pantalone i korset :)

  3. Super su fotke! Uzivam svaki put kad bilo sta objavis.

  4. Sminka je fenomenalna! I sama volim taj prirodni fazon koji negujes ali ovo ti stoji odlicno! :)

  5. savrsene fotografije, pravo uzivanje za gledanje ;)

  6. Divna si pogotovu na poslednjoj fotografiji!

  7. Tvoj post posle skole, taman da se odmorim i jos vise ogladnim.:D

  8. svaki put blenem u ovaj tvoj dveni sto, predivnoca

  9. Draga Vanja pa sve je tamo lepo <3.
    Imam pitanje vezano za patike, da li su ovog proleca vise "moderne" i nosive,model adidas Stella ili ipak one Zarine sarene? Pitam jer sam u potrazi za nekim od tih modela. Hvala :)

    1. Hvala :) Sve zavisi koji fazon oblacenja volis :) Ja sam pre za plice modele jer su mnogo laksi za kombinovanje (suknje, haljine, dzins ...) dok kod dubokih postoji mogucnost i da vizuelno skrate nogu. :)

    2. Hvala na odgovoru :)

  10. Nice pics!

  11. koji mobilni tel koristis?

  12. Predivne slicice! :)
    Interesuje me da li kroasane sama pravis?
    Znas li mozda gde se mogu kupiti onako dobri, kao u Parizu? :)
