Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Back to work

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September is all about starting something new and fresh.
It's a perfect time to refresh your wardrobe, pick a few essentials and refill the basics.
So let's start it together!
Choose a good and quality trench coat. If you are a high fashion player than Burberry will be the best one of course. And if you want a cheaper version, I would definitely go for those from Zara, they are becoming better and better every season.
Our next important piece is leather pencil skirt! You can wear it at work, at cocktail parties, well you can wear it all day long for every occasion. Wool/cashmere sweaters or crisp white shirts for work, simple white t-shirt for casual days. You can even wear it with sneakers and college jackets, so leather skirt is a wardrobe must!
Fall shoes update is also crucial. I would say that lace up sandals are still a major thing, belted trench/coat and bare legs, who doesn't like that!? Beside these one, brogues, loafers, slip-ons, oxfords you can't go wrong with flats.
And when it comes to accessories, we are making transition into less is more mood. Pick one or two jewelry pieces and let them become your style signatures.

Here are my picks:
1. Trench coat, Zara
2. Wool sweater, Zara
3.Semi precious stone ring, INES atelier
4. Bronzing powder, Guerlain
5. Leather skirt, Mango
6. Croc city bag with chains, Zara
7. Leather sandals, Zara
8. Sunglasses, Massimo Dutti

Don't let the new collections overwhelmed you, stick to the basics and it will be easy!


  1. kakva kombinacija! zelim sve! :)

  2. Jako ljep outfit, prave jesenske boje…
    Što više ovakvih postova, mislim ,da se svi slažemo:)…

  3. nice picks... the sweater is timeless.x

  4. I adore those leather zara sandals! great post :)

  5. Zelim sve!

  6. Super kombinacija :)
    Novi post na:

  7. Sandale <3 Mozes li mi reci koji si broj kaputa iz Zare (onaj kamel iz nekog prethodnog posta)uzela... Ja sam probala S, ali mi je bio poveci, a nisam nasla XS... Pozdrav. Sonja

    1. Hej Sonja, naravno da mogu! :) Moj kaput je S, cini mi se da ga ima samo u S i M velicini jer nema striktne savove za ramena, tako da lakse odgovara svima, takav je model! :)

  8. Wow!! I'm in love with those sunglasses :)
    Lovely post dear.

  9. Nice outfit!

  10. Vanja zelim da te pitam nesto kao osobu za odlicnim stilom i okom za detalje , da li ti je lepsi zlatni ili srebrni iphone 6 , bas bi mi znacilo tvoje misljenje hvala

    1. Hej, hej hvala na ovome! :)
      Nisam ih videla uzivo, ali sam bacila pogled na neki youtube klip, i cini mi se da je ipak lepsi zlatni. Moj savet ti je da pregledas nekoliko tih klipova gde ih otvaraju, govore o karakteristikama i vidis kako koja nijansa izgleda u rukama i na odredjenom svetlu, cini mi se da ce ti to najvise pomoci da doneses odluku. :) U svakom slucaju, sigurno neces pogresiti, pretpostavljam da su svi podjednako lepi! :)

  11. I wanna try the Guerlain Bronzer!
    overall great outfit for autumn

  12. Divan odabir...najvise mi se dopada ova Zarina torba ;-)

  13. Shoes and bag- LOVE!

  14. Prave jesenje boje i prelepi komadi garderobe :)

  15. I love that skirt. I completely agree with the match of the sweater :)

  16. Love this look, too bad its too hot in LA for a great looking coat like that - maybe in November :)
